From Ekrixipedia

Ekrixi is set in a desperate, gritty, military science fiction future where the one thing that kept humanity together has disappeared, and the starlight to your home has faded away.

What is Ekrixi?

Ekrixi is a rules-light, sinking-ship, exploration, PvE, multiplayer, teamwork, roguelike, fork of upstream. It is aimed to deviate heavily from the standard station-based gameplay, and replace it with a traveling ship that everyone works together to make sure it stays afloat.

How do I join or get whitelisted?

You need sufficient enough time on another Space Station 14/13 server. This time is usually very variable, but at most 20 hours should be good. Alternatively, if you were directly invited by someone, you may mention them in your request as your voucher.

How different is Ekrixi from upstream?

Very. Depending on the gamemode, you'll be under varying amounts of stress, such as firing guns, reloading munitions, repairing hull damage, micromanaging the nuclear reactor, piloting the ship (or fighters) out of danger, and several more.

What role should I play for my first game?

Deckhand. Deckhands are flexible roles that are meant to fill in the role of anyone lacking a job. There is a likely chance a command member, or another department member, will be willing to teach you about the gist. But depending on the time and situation, it may be very stressful to try and teach someone - especially when your ship is under heavy 20mm and 80mm fire from the enemy.

Why am I taking random amounts of damage over time?

See VIE.

What is the Veil? What happened to the Core Worlds?

Figure it out.

If you read the primer, it's clear that the Veil is a block in the universe, preventing the starlight from accessing the rest of the Remnacy. Your overclocked coil-spin drive broke through that block, but will you get to the end?