Lore Primer

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You are a ship with the impossible task of getting across the veil.

The year is +183. The URP has shattered into several factions, the Coreward Reaches is in a constant state of war, and nearly two centuries since the discovery of the Veil. Much of the remaining history has been lost to time and war.

The furthest reach of humanity was known as the Coreward Reaches, set around two hundred stars away from the Core worlds, with Gateway Station established as a gas station for travellers. It is now called the Remnacy, for it cradles the last of humanity.

Gateway Station in +03 noticed they had stopped receiving Core world shipments, or any visitors coming from the Core, and the starlight from the Core eventually dimmed out and disappeared. This caused a mass panic and the formation of many factions. It was generally considered that everything between the core worlds and the Remnacy was dead, and that the Remnacy was the last of humanity.

Eventually, a wanted criminal by the name of Collins Janene, trying to escape from the United Rimworld Protectorate overrode the safety on their spin drive, allowing him to access a part of space never seen before. This criminal would eventually establish the VCA on Gateway Station in +101, and whatever was it that caused the starlight to disappear, and was separating humanity, was eventually called the Veil.

How's life?

Much of the ships by the time the Veil was set in place were civilian ships, and thus many of the military-grade ships of the day are based off of civilian vessels. A majority of Core world tech is gate-kept in vaults, some factions studying them whilst others preferring to protect them. Living conditions are terrible, the Remnacy is in a constant state of war, and it's generally not a great place to be.



Coreward Reaches

The starmap of the Remnacy, click here to take a bigger look.