Veil Crossers Association

From Ekrixipedia

The Veil Crossers Association (VCA) is an independent agency located on Gateway Station responsible for a majority of Veil expedition missions, and the archiving of all Veil-related knowledge, formed by Collins Janene in +101[1].

Veil Crossers Association
Basic Information
Official Name: Veil Crossers Association, Veil Association
Other Names: N/A
Outpost: Gateway Station
Structure: Scientific organization
Denonym(s): crosser, crossie
Founded: +101

No traits.

The current VCA logo has underwent major controversy regarding the amount of paint it takes to place onto ships, and the general disfigured nature of the VCA. The original VCA logo was created by Collins Janene, however, after Janene's death, the meaning of these colors remain unknown.

Alternate logo proposal

In +166, Julia Janene, sister of Collins Janene and current VCA leader, proposed an alternate logo for the VCA. It had a de saturated red to symbolize the blood and light blue on the left to symbolize the sweat of VCA volunteers, separated by a blue border to symbolize the tears of the fallen. The middle had a gray streak going through it, symbolizing the hull that protects VCA crews. It involved a four-pointed star to symbolize the return of Core-world starlight. This flag has been adopted by many VCA ships, but has not been recognized as an official flag yet.


  1. Lore Primer, paragraph 5